陳姵含 Pei Han Chen's profile

尋光裡的鏡子|Seeking the Light Within





Seeking the Light Within
The golden radiance extends infinitely to the horizon, lost in the labyrinth of the vast wilderness, a forgotten melody quietly hovering above the solitary earth. I chase after my own shadow, seeking the missing puzzle pieces, lingering amidst the mist of time, yet traversing through it with a coat of disarrayed dust. The desolation of the earth merges with my soul, as if I stand on the edge of a vast starry sky, so helpless in the dimly lit alleyways, where the silent corners of the nocturnal wanderer leave indelible scars.

Gazing like a camera lens at the sense of loss, the heart revolves around the past. Your gaze resembles twinkling stars, holding transient smiles and moments of excitement. I dance with the tip of my pen on the fragmented paper, sprinkling ink drops onto the stationery, strolling through dialogues pulsating with the heartbeat of ink, using the bridge of thoughts to touch the memories.

Words gently brush past like blades of grass, whispering softly in the wind with verdant greenery, carrying the shadow of fragmented light, blowing into liberated souls. They reverberate within the depths of hidden, wave-like blue grass, soothing with shimmering ripples, gently caressing the bruised purple hue, seeking tranquility within. Following the faint hope of a glimmer, fragments of your shadow scatter like drifting smoke, leaving behind only a few delicate lines of poetry.

In the torrent of impermanent time, on the other side of the quest for light, Plant Soot's ink licks the wounds, gently touching the surface of the soul, embracing the cold loneliness with warmth, melting away the exhaustion of tearful sorrows. The crimson buds hold fervent souls, slowly burning and melting the remnants of the past, blooming with the light of dawn. They are the North Star, sailing alone in the sea of stars, the guide in chaotic reality, pursuing a fresh uniqueness, the interweaving of light and darkness, traces of shed wings, fragile yet resolute growth, carrying the reflection of trials, a mirror in the light.

Pei Han Chen 
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尋光裡的鏡子|Seeking the Light Within


尋光裡的鏡子|Seeking the Light Within

尋光裡的鏡子 金茶色的光輝,從無垠延伸到地平線,迷失在茫茫荒野中的迷宮,是被遺忘的旋律,悄然漂浮在大地孤獨之上,我追著自己的影子,想找到缺失的拼圖,徘徊在時光迷霧,穿梭其中卻沾滿了雜亂的塵土,大地的寂寥融入了靈魂,我像站在蒼茫星空的邊緣,在黑暗巷弄中獨自徘徊的這麼無助,讓深夜行者的寂靜角 Read More
