陳姵含 Pei Han Chen's profile

藍黃之境的漫遊者|Wanderer in the Blue-Yellow Realm







Wanderer in the Blue-Yellow Realm
Gently crushing the old green, scattering it amid the vast blue valleys, sand-green blending with aimirucha, wild grass swaying gracefully on the smoky blue prairie, unfurling deep crimson smiles in the breeze. The remnants of the sun's glow paint the expansive sky with a tinge of vine-yellow, casting warm dreams over the meandering valleys.

Moonlight gathers the whispers carried by the wind over the fields, echoing ethereal murmurs filled with thoughts of home, indescribable longings, and a nostalgia tightly bound in the depths of the soul. It entangles like the Blue-Yellow Realm's great fish, a wandering soul on a journey, a scavenger of the heart, gazing at distant peaks, eyes seemingly dancing with distant memories, perhaps recalling someone or an irretrievable loss.

The evening sun tenderly caresses the lost visage, unfurling the past's calls, reminiscing familiar tastes and sounds. The boundless night sky adorned with scattered stars reflects the luminous void, slowly shimmering with moonlit red. The houses and countryside of time, yearning for carefree childhood, intertwine with vintage sentiments and the innocence of youth.

The imprints of youthful times, the corridors of labyrinthine tunnels, narrow alleyways, sometimes distant, sometimes right before our eyes. Running and frolicking in the streets and alleys, by the roadside shops, the taste of childhood resides in the traditional variety store, with its abundant array of temptations. Immersed in a feast of colorful candy and surprise toys, the enticing sugar-coated packaging tugs at our heartstrings. It is a place we would visit after school every day, where we would willingly spend all our pocket money and empty our pockets, indulging in this guilty pleasure.

Returning home is the familiar smiling face, emanating a sweet orange hue, the soft embrace of mother's bread and creamy butter, sister holding a comb and singing aloud, and the cute image of my younger sister holding plastic scissors to trim her hair, all deeply etched in my heart. Father asking, "Have you eaten?" urging me to come and eat, the sweetness condensed in the ordinary, hidden among red bricks and gray tiles, like a treasure trove.

Weekends are an afternoon pool of time, clear and tranquil blue hues, shimmering with sunlight's rhythm, exuding an aura of happiness. Emotions exchange laughter amidst splashing water, and youthful exchanges ripple in the water, as we remember every moment of freedom together.

Suddenly, I yearn for you! The you in my memories, the you I love!

Pei Han Chen 
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藍黃之境的漫遊者|Wanderer in the Blue-Yellow Realm


藍黃之境的漫遊者|Wanderer in the Blue-Yellow Realm

藍黃之境的漫遊者 揉碎了老綠,撒在曠藍的山谷間,沙綠混著藍海松茶,野草如詩般婆娑在燻藍草原上,翻出深煙紅的微笑迎風;日陽的餘暉,在遼闊蒼穹畫上了藤黃色的妝,為綿延山谷抹上溫暖的夢境。 月光凝聚風吹過田野的聲音,飄揚著空靈的呢喃,帶著離家後的念想,無法言說的渴望,緊緊繫在心靈深處的鄉愁, Read More
