Like Warsaw
painting | oil on canvas | 10x10cm | 2022-23
plein-air art painted in Gdańsk , Poland
"I studied in Nuuk, but it's too big, there's too much car noise, you have to be everywhere on time, and you've probably already noticed that here time is secondary to the weather. Two weeks away from Greenland is enough for me. In other countries it's too much buildings, no horizon visible. These words will suddenly come to my mind a few months later, when in the pouring gray rain I will be waiting for a late friend at the Central Station. Standing on the sidewalk, I will lose my balance in an instant, cover my ears with my hands and squint hard to keep my eyes open. build a horizon at least from your own upper eyelid.
(Ilona Wiśniewska, "People from Greenland Island," p.66)
Warszawa, Marszałkowska Street
Warszawa. Świętokrzyski Bridge
Like Warsaw