52 card deck
The objective of this project is to design a complete 52-card deck, including a joker card, along with a package to contain the cards for a board game company. The goal is to create visually pleasing cards that maintain a familiar aesthetic to the original cards, allowing users to easily navigate and engage with the game.

For this project, the chosen design approach is doodle art, which will be created using Procreate software. The doodle art style adds a playful and whimsical element to the cards, enhancing their visual appeal. The use of Procreate software allows for precise and detailed artwork, ensuring a high-quality end result.
While the goal is to create visually pleasing cards, it is important to maintain a level of consistency with the original cards. The design should feel cohesive and harmonious when combined with the existing deck. The intention is to enhance the overall aesthetic without straying too far from the familiar elements that users are accustomed to.
52 card deck


52 card deck
