Pablo Játiva's profile

Building lettering + vinyl decoration + visualization

corporate labeling for a whole building
Rehabilitation planning and labeling design for a whole building with cut vinyl and corporeal letters. My proposal was using a combination of opaque and semitransparent vinyl. The building is in Ibiza and is called Vila Parc, so some of the corporeal letters could be reused. Grupo Policlínica sent me many pictures to do the job. Many blue curtains had to be installed. Next, all the photo retouching work to preview the final output.

I also designed all these pieces for some of the building's windows and doors. Grey areas are semitransparent vinyl and all the other elements were made with opaque vinyl.
Client wanted to modify a led screen so it would be extended around a curved corner. They wanted me to design some of the videos that were needed to be used along with the screen with promotional and informative porpuses. Next there is a 3D quick preview I prepared and a preliminary sample of the type of video that they needed.
Building lettering + vinyl decoration + visualization


Building lettering + vinyl decoration + visualization
