NFT Ukraine | 3D design

Each digital artwork within the collection pays tribute to the bravery and resilience of these soldiers, while the proceeds generated from the sale of these NFTs directly contribute to their well-being and resources in the midst of the conflict.

creative strategy director → Oleksandr Shatun
art director & head designer → Kateryna Bespalova
graphic designer → Maryna Dovhenko
graphic designer → Sasha Ilina
3D modeler → Vlad Frolov
3D motion designer → Anna Liulko
3D motion designer → Oleksandr Lukashenko
3D motion designer → Bogdan Pushkaryov
sound designer → Kateryna Bespalova
copywriter → Kateryna Kulbachko
material designer → Valerii Rylov

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NFT Ukraine | 3D design