Josue Ledesma's profile

Profiled Sketches

Untitled - May 2014
I hope to have a title for this soon but I started this sketch last year and left it alone. When I came back to it recently, I saw that the majority of the foundation was there and I just needed to make a few fixes on the lighting. I also cropped it heavily, zooming into the "action" of the piece.
"United Enemies" 2013
This was a recreation of the United Enemies scultptures currently on display in Central Park (more info here).  I came across them and was just blown away by the sculptures and took out a sketchpad and made a quick 20 minute sketch in pen.  When coloring it in Photoshop I wanted to keep the color scheme that was there while adding my personal style to it.
"Landscape #1" - 2013
The origin for this painting was extremely strange and it was basically accidental.  Eventually once the image was clearing up, I was able to create something I'm pretty happy with.
"Agony" 2013
A play on posing, colors, and mood.  I also wanted to work with a specific brush and see if I could use outlines at well.
Snow Day - December 2014
This was a very quick sketch I made during one of the first (of many) large snowfalls to happen in my area. 
Profiled Sketches

Profiled Sketches

Collection of Sketches and Concept Art. Where my 'Personal Work' feels complete, these pieces were created faster and usually done on a whim.
