The hermit 
9th arcanum of tarot deck. 
My first arcane of the deck
I am inspired by Greek mythology and started to work on my own tarot deck where I will show Hekate archetypes of each arcanum . 
The Hermet / Hecate Chtonia -  wisdom, unconscious, travel between worlds. 
Snake (‘common symbol of Hekate drawn on ancient pictures of goddess)  - as symbol of knowledge 
Snake biting its tale - symbol of never ending circle of life and death  
The lantern and the torch - there is no light without darkness
Here I united two archetypes of Hecate Chtonia - guiding souls with the light of her torch (also typical symbol of the goddess) , and The Hermit - shedding light on the hidden knowledge with it’s lantern.
Most recently I visited the only survival temple of the Hecate in Lagina. (modern Bodrum Turkey)
 In the ancient times cult of Hekate was the most popular in this region. 
You could see the statue of three faced goddess in each home. 
Currently  active archaeological work is underway there. Therefore, you can wander throughout the territory and touch the antiquities.
Each tarot card must have a frame. And for the basis of this frame, I took the real ancient ornaments that I saw in the temple.
I’m still thinking of an appropriate font to use. Hopefully it will come to my mind soon . 
And here is me in the main portal of the Temple. 
IX - The Hermit


IX - The Hermit

The hermit - 9th arcanum of tarot deck. My first arcane of the deck I am inspired by Greek mythology and started to work on my own tarot deck w Read More
