Timothy Kovacs's profile

Helping Children Adjust to Divorce

Timothy Kovacs, a La Verne, California native, is currently an assistant director in the Early Childhood Education department in the Baldwin Park Unified School District. With bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology from California State University, Fullerton, Timothy Kovacs is also a licensed marriage and family therapist providing expertise in areas such as divorce.

Divorce or separation can adversely impact adults, but children often are the most affected, as they aren't emotionally prepared to deal with the changes. These effects reflect on their growth and well-being, with research indicating that children from divorced parents are more likely to live in poverty as adults, perform poorly academically, and develop serious mental health problems. Helping children through the divorce process is thus imperative to reduce such issues and make them feel cared for.

Parents can help their kids adjust to divorce by explaining it in an age-appropriate and truthful manner. In explaining, parents should present a united front and avoid blaming each other, which may cause kids to view them negatively. Agreeing with each other assures the kids that their parents still love them and have their best interests at heart. It also avoids putting children in a position where they must side with one parent.

Professional counseling and therapy can help both children and parents manage the effects of divorce and mitigate any potential behavioral problems that may arise due to shifting family dynamics. Through counseling, parents can learn how to empower their children and foster feelings of security, love, and support while maintaining discipline. Therapists can also help children adapt to new life circumstances and navigate any school-related behavioral challenges that may emerge following a divorce.

Helping Children Adjust to Divorce

Helping Children Adjust to Divorce


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