Anna Kulczycka's profile

Rec Register App Design

The objective of this project was to identify a prevalent issue and develop an app to effectively address its impact. Throughout the semester, I engaged in interviews and conducted extensive research to pinpoint a problem that resonated with both my peers and myself. Eventually, I recognized a recurring concern among my friends regarding the arduous process of registering for workout classes via the RecRegister website at the University of Notre Dame.

The workout classes offered at the University of Notre Dame are frequented by many students due to their affordable annual fees and unlimited access. These classes not only promote physical well-being but also foster a sense of community among those who frequent them. Given my participation and my friend's participation in these classes, I recognized the potential to better the current experience.

To tackle this challenge, I conceptualized and designed a user-friendly mobile app. The primary goal of the app is to streamline the weekly class registration process, particularly for students with busy schedules or those who encountered difficulties with the existing website's user experience.

By creating this mobile app, I aimed to provide an efficient and accessible solution for students seeking to sign up for workout classes, ensuring that they can easily manage their schedules and actively engage in a vibrant community focused on health and well-being.
After research and interviews, I calculated that the SUS score for the existing RecRegister website was 57%, which is typically considered low for user experience and general understanding of how to use a navigation system.
After meeting with the RecRegister team on campus, I was able to identify the necessary steps when a user is signing up for an offered class.
After researching Mind Body, a leading app in the fitness class space, I found over multiple interviews that these were the three features people enjoyed most about the app. 
Below is my final video that I created utilizing XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. 
Rec Register App Design

Rec Register App Design
