Welcome to my web design project for Mohannad Elhamod

I created a modern and sleek website that showcases Mohannad's work and services. My main focus was on creating a user-friendly experience that is easy to navigate and visually appealing.

I started by analyzing the user flow and identified areas for improvement in the existing design. Based on this, I developed a new user flow, designed a fresh layout, and optimized the loading speed for the site.

I also worked on creating a cohesive visual identity for Mohannad that complements the site's design. The result is a clean and sophisticated brand identity that is consistent across all aspects of Mohannad's online presence.

I'm excited to share my work with you and welcome your feedback! Please check out my web design for Mohannad and let me know your thoughts.

Mohannad Elhamod


Mohannad Elhamod
