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The Way Illustrated Book

The Way: Illustrated Book
Fall 2022, Illustrated Book Publication

The Way is an illustrated novel written as an allegory of the Christian life. It has parallels to the events and experience of a Christian, yet to an extreme and fantastical degree and with extraordinary outcomes.

The goal of this project was to create concept art and illustrations for scenes within the book and then expand that into a marketing campaign for the book. The story itself is very symbolic and allegorical, so the illustration style and content were created to match that theme.

I chose a sketched illustration style that was simple and organic to fit the family-friendly narrative. The illustrations themselves are extremely symbolic and intentional, alluding to the story and the allegories within the story. The marketing campaign is meant to market the book and the story, so the design combines the illustrations with the product itself, showing The Way coming off the pages of the book into the real world. This shows viewers what the product is (an illustrated book) while also bringing the story to life and revealing its ties to the real world.
The Way Illustrated Book


The Way Illustrated Book
