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Treasure Numerics

Legong Dance
Legong dance is traditional dance from Bali, Indonesia. The design concept based on the word leg from "Legong" which means luwes in Indonesia. Luwes is elegant, supple, or lithe. Legong dance is dance by two girl which has bright color costume. Usually this dance accompanied by gong or gamelan ensemble.
Golek Ayun-Ayun Dance
Golek Ayun-Ayun Dance is traditional dance from kraton Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The dance tells about a girl who grow up to be a woman, she is a teenager who likes to dress up to be more attractive.  The dancer has a crown with pink peacock feather. This dance usually performed as welcoming dance in Kraton Yogyakarta.
Kecak Dance
Kecak Dance is a famous dance from Bali, Indonesia. Kecak dance used to call as fire dance. The name kecak comes from the sound of the dance. This dance barely used any kind of music, it only use the voice of the dancer calling the word "Cak, cak, cak,cak". The dancers make the sound as they raised their hands into the air. This dance is come from sanghyang ritual which is about communication with God and ancestral spirits. 
Saman Dance
This dance is also famous traditional dance from Aceh, Indonesia. It's usually performed in religious and important tradition ceremony.
While dancing, the dancers will sing a song. The song is some kind of poem with Arabic and Gayo (Aceh) languages.
The dancers will move their hand while singing the song continuously. 
Serimpi Dance
Srimpi dance is a traditional classic dance from keraton Yogyakarta. This dance has important meaning with number 4. Srimpi Dance usually dance by four girls which symbolize earth, fire, wind and water. It's also symbolize four different direction (north, south, east and west).
The word serimpi comes from 'impi' which means mimpi or dream.
Jaipong Dance
Jaipong Dance is come from Jawa Barat, Indonesia. This dance known as jaipongan which created by Gugum Gumbira in 1961. This dance is a combination from some Indonesia's traditional performing arts such as ketuk tilu,  Banjet's mask dance and pencak silat.
Bedhaya Dance
Tari Bedhaya is created by Sri Susuhunan Paku Buwono IX, a king from Keraton Surakarta.
It symbolized the phylosophy that human will always face endless problems in life, but we need to face it with optimism. 
Pendet Dance
This dance is another famous dance from Bali. It usually performed on religious occasions in Pura, but nowadays it also performed as welcoming dance. This dance used a property named bokor which decorated by young coconout leafs.
Barong Dance
 Barong comes from Sanskrit word Bahruang which means bear. In Hindu belief, bear is sacred animal which has magic power and known as creature's guardian.  This dance is famous dance from Bali, Indonesia. 
Reog Dance
Reog dance is traditional dance comes from Ponorogo, Indonesia. It simbolized mystical and supranatural tradition. Usually performed in religious ceremony, especially an event held in Ponorogo which called Grebeg Suro. That event is celebrating Islamic New Year. This dance has a lion mask known as singa barong and peacock feather formed a huge fan. The whole dance is a dance of war between the Government Kediri and Ponorogo. 
Treasure Numerics

Treasure Numerics

Treasure Numerics is a 0-9 typography based on Indonesia traditional dances. There are Barong, Reog, Saman, Bedhaya, Jaipong, Pendet and Kecak da Read More
