Artem Shatunov's profileAnna Uspenskaya's profile

Treehouse. Ascent to the top
     The concepts are following: the location is in mountain valley. The main idea is the conquest of the peaks by climber. He moves from the foot to the top through a series of stages. The first stages are difficult, especially the higher the much more complicated. However there is main target – the peak. A treehouse has the same principle. To get there it is necessary to cope with obstacles. At the final the house embodies the place for the rest. The conquerors of mountains can have a rest there and take a breath to attack the peak. But it is not enough: ahead some physical efforts and overcoming of fear will be required. Higher there is a peak, after reaching which, magnificent view of the surroundings will arise. Here person will feel truly free.
As well as during any trip as easy as complicated parts of the way can be found. So also in the concept according to which the house is built – there is an easy access through the ladder to it. There is sheer wall also, which is like a challenge to overcome yourself and brings some game and childhood dream.

     The structure of a treehouse relies on the principle of “ascent of the climber.” Every movement inside the house is made such, that people should overcome some obstacles on the way to the top (observation deck is on the third level). To get into the house you need to climb the wall as like as you do on rock-this is a kind of climbing wall. But there is an easier entrance through the terrace. Also the movement in the house takes some efforts: attached and folding ladders, swing-up and sliding terraces. On the first level there is an opportunity to expand the area with the swing-up terraces. It creates space for contemplation, reading, tea drinking on the nature. Sliding terrace that is on the third level represents the top. It is agood place for a vision of the surrounding landscape and watching the stars. Person feels free here.
Treehouse. Ascent to the top

Treehouse. Ascent to the top

Project was created for the competition Triumph Architectural Treehouse Award.
