A short personal project about personality.

I started with a several rough drafts in Illustrator, but due to the not very good compatibility between Illustrator's and After Effects's gradient maps, I decided to design it directly in After Effects.
The main bubble/sphere

Several shape layers with the gradient fill applied. To make a "bubble move" effect, I used an adjustment layers with the bezier warp effect. Vertext points are parented to the null objects. And these are animated.
Small bubbles/spheres

They are made very similar, couple of shape layers. The CC Plastics effect helped me a lot here. To animate the colors I created a layer with 4-color gradient effect. The points of this effect are connected to null layers.

Blurry edges

A subtle blurring occurs at the edges of the bubble. I created a blur map. This map tells the little bubbles how much to blur. The more they overlap with white, the more blurred they are.
Thank you!


