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Celebrating Singapore butterfly art print

A collection of 4 art prints inspired by a series of 8 butterflies from the subfamily Limenitidinae. This subfamily of beauties are special because they have names derived from military ranks and noble titles.
Athyma Art Print
Above, the five beauties are the Studded Sergeant, the Green Baron, the Commander (side and full wing views) and the Knight, gliding gracefully in white orchids. 
Lexias Art Print
Butterflies from top are the Common Lascar, the Dark Archduke, the Colonel (side and full wing views) and the Yellow Archduke, dancing in wine red colour orchids.
Lascar Art Print
The Lascar Art Print has a golden medallion with a border of ‘ruyi’ or ‘wish-granting-sceptre’,that symbolises ‘may all that you desire comes true’. The hero in the Center is the Common Lascar butterfly. The butterfly is chosen for its striking bright orange and black strips. 
Baron Art Print
This artwork is inspired by the Peranakan Chinese motif. It has a golden medallion decorated with an auspicious symbol in stylised Chinese character, ‘Shou’, or ‘longevity’. The majestic Green Baron butterfly, a strong flyer and can be seen in our local urban parks and nature reserves, sits charismatically in the medallion.
Art print sizes:
A) 21 X 29.7cm (A4)
B) 30 X 42cm (A3)
C) 50 X 70cm
Art prints available on
Artwork created using Procreate, Illustrator and Photoshop
Celebrating Singapore butterfly art print


Celebrating Singapore butterfly art print
