AR Wayfinding
Some smart glasses like google glasses, have presented AR navigation and way finding in such way that has influenced my project. It has helped me specifically in knowing which side to place certain formation for the visibility and understanding of the user and the appropriate size. Also, it shows how to maintain a "safe pace" for the user as well which is something I am adding to my design.
Creating a variety of personas helped me to adjust and design my AR in general that fits the needs and capacities of all my personas and/or making it adaptable to each kind of person. I feel that I created 3 completely different kinds of people to help me answer questions about my AR way find.
Task Flow
The task flow consists of buying a ticket (selecting a seat) to the concert and navigating you to your seat. This helped me to see each step the task consists of, if it makes sense and if it successfully completes and celebrate the task given.
User Flow
The user flow goes a bit more in depth of what the user will do and choose to complete the task. Here they will be asked if they want to order something after they have found their seat. This helped me to clearly see how the user will go about the task and helped me fill in any steps missing and ensure a good, fast, easy and memorable experience.
I did about 3 directions of sketches to visualize what style of interface I wanted to give my design and where to place what on what would be the lens of the glasses.
This wireframe right now communicates selecting and finding your seat as well as ordering something. It has been critiqued by many peers and my next step is to separate the task of going to your seat and then ordering something to eat. Next, it would be better communicate location of the user and add clarity on that and navigation.

Final Wireframe
After much feedback, I wanted to give more information and make it less like a prototype. I added more way finding signage, identified objects differently and focused on a peak-end moment.
Prototype Link:
AR Wayfinding

AR Wayfinding
