LA Shrimp & Petroleum Festival '13 Poster Contest Entry
Here is a poster I made in Photoshop for the Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival in 2013 in my Raster Graphics class in my second semester. This is one of my earliest attempts at graphic design.
Singularity Dawn – Fake Sci-Fi Movie Poster
This is a poster I made in Raster Graphics II. I used eye color and lighting style to differentiate the two gynoids at the top of the poster – The one on the left has red eyes with a sharp light protruding from them to help portray her as the more "evil" character, while the one on the right has contrasting light blue eyes with a more solid, rounded light to help portray her as the more "virtuous" character. Their placement on the poster also emphasizes their differences in accordance to the ancient Roman belief that virtuous, good actions were represented by the right-hand side, and more diabolical actions were represented by the left-hand side.