Heart Out
They laid on the grass, a heart beating, THUD-THUD, “I heard mine, but where is yours?” She said. There were no sound, He tried beating his chest and nothing, he coughed, screamed… only silence. He started laughing then suddenly felt a hollow thud-thud each time laughter came.

“There it is thud-thud that’s my heart” He said. “That’s your heart beating? But it sounds distant and tiny” She said. “Yes, I keep it far away from me so it won’t bother me in life” He said. “Why you do that? You need to use it” She said. “Why, so it can get broken, tangled with another ones heart, beat faster that it can, pour tears that can become poison if they stay inside for too long”? He said. “YES, that’s what it’s for, let it have many scars and it will get stronger, allow it to beat fast and slowly as age and wisdom comes, get it tangled with your body to make roots in your feet and grow stars in your head” She said.

With a gentle touch she reached his chest; with singular force punch a hole in it and reach his heart. He made no sound; his eyes were fixed it into hers. She touched his heart and he began to cry. When she tried to pull his heart out he began to scream hysterically and with a soft pull she show his eyes that lively and tiny heart beating so slowly, almost non present.

He was calm when his eyes saw it, he smiled and reached so carefully her hand where his heart was and they both smiled.

In a flash, blood and skin went flying; his teeth ripped the flesh of her fingers and ate his heart in a beat.

Pieza creada de papel y alambre
24 x 15
Heart out

Heart out


Creative Fields