Harshit Agarwal's profile

Augmented Reality Exploration

Augmented Reality Exploration 
Augmented Reality has the potential to change the way we approach art, graphics, posters, and many more things. The use of #ar could make the viewing experience more interactive and engaging, leading to a more enjoyable experience.

Product manual Concept
Seeing my mother using products and at the same time feeling frustrated in finding out how it works. Looking for videos and asking me about it made me think about how we can make product guides easier for people to access.

Products are becoming more and more minimal, and people oriented. People still need instructions explaining the concepts/functions and how it works.
Manuals are the best way to know about a product and its functions, but the majority of people don't use them. They rely on videos or ask a person who uses the product or knows about the product but WHY?

Manuals are boring- In the world of animations and technology, manuals look still and boring.

Availability of manuals- Manuals are not always available when we need them. We always forget where we kept them or don't bother to look for them.

Watching videos about products is easier but looking for the perfect video is a stressful task and I feel videos will no longer remain updated in the world of fast-evolving technology. When the majority of physical products are connected digitally, their functions can be changed/updated quickly.

This is a small concept using augmented reality, in knowing how the product works, which is quicker, available anywhere the product moves, at any time and it can also be updated/changed as quickly as any change in the product is made digitally.

Art Poster Concept
Augmented art can be used in art galleries to give delightful experiences.
This is a prototype visualized for an art poster that gives a feel of three-dimensional geometry in real time physical space. 


Augmented Reality Exploration


Augmented Reality Exploration
