Julu The Designer's profile

Kinfolk Network | Case Study

Assisting a network of Black activists in its rebirth
Kinfolk Network contacted us after a year of deep organisational work, ready to step back into the world and shine.
Organisation: Kinfolk Network
Credits: Debs Durojaiye, Juliette Mothe, Riwan Rejon
Services: Content work, UI/UX, Visual Design, Development
Deliverables: Content recommendations, Visual identity, Social media banners, Website
Moving power and birthing new worlds on a limited budget

Only weeks away from Kinfolk’s summer program, we had to move efficiently to help design and restructure content, and match it with a playfully radical brand-new visual identity.
Going back to their roots to help them grow

As Kinfolk Network was getting formally reintroduced to the world, we set up this new iteration of the brand for success by rooting their identity in the joyful solidarity of the convenings they held in the past.
Boosting visibility, gearing up for impact

What's in a name?
Although being officially named Kinfolk Network, the initiative was often informally shortening its name to KIN. This moniker had made its way to their previous logo, making it difficult to set them apart from the various companies and initiatives sporting the same name. We suggested using their full name to increase memorability.
Structuring content
Content is often neglected or underdeveloped when commissioning design work, mostly because of an internal skill gap and a lack of visibility on how content needs to be crafted for the web and other mediums. We helped create a clear information hierarchy and concise sections to help users parse content quickly.

Developing their visual identity
We powered through stages of visual explorations to help give a clear direction to their brand-new identity. The result is a bright, modern Basquiat-esque look and feel centring support and community.

Multitudes is a worker 
co-operative registered in the UK
Kinfolk Network | Case Study


Project Made For

Kinfolk Network | Case Study

Kinfolk Network contacted us after a year of deep organisational work, ready to step back into the world and shine.
