Portfolio for a game i am making as my FMP
It has been quite some time since the object show community has had a game which wasn't either unplayable because of flash being discontinued or very basic for example one of the few non flash games you can still play evil leafy's maze is very bare bones and has no audio to go with it, it is a simple survive as long as you can game where the monster in the maze known as "evil leafy" is always faster than the player so it is inevitable that you will get caught.
you can play it on bfdi.tv/maze
i have decided to make a point and click adventure horror object show game where you play as 1 of 16 objects and try to either save the other contestants or win the game for yourself with the first character being.
Flaming Earth

object type: planetary / fire
Room number: 06
before the actual game begins you will have a few in game days to get used to the characters dynamic and to change how characters act towards each other; for the first hour or so of game play it is more akin to an interactive dating simulator where instead of woo-ing the characters you can make or break friendships to make sure that some ending are possible.
then the next 2 characters you can unlock are sun and moon charm, polar opposite conjoined twins who are connected at the arm. you can unlock them during an interactive scene where dependent on when you click the screen you either unlock sun charm or moon charm
Sun Charm

object type: metal / plastic
Room number: 08
Moon Charm

object type: metal / plastic
Room number: 08
the rest of the characters you can get by doing or completing different tasks or achievements during the game for example you can get mushroom and staticy in the same run if you speedrun the entire game 

Object type: fungus
Room number:13

Object type: electric / noise
Room number: 04
                    this is the full cast or at least all the characters you can play as:
from left to right: staticy, decanter, metal crate, heart plaster , skull plaster
moon charm, sun charm, cleaver, Flaming earth, music box
Cherry cobbler, black opal, contact, mushroom, taily and nerf bullet
each character has their own backstory and personality with the cast having a lot of diversity as in quite a few of the characters are part of the LGBTQIA+ community and as shown are a variety of shapes and sizes literally.
The part of the game which will be playable in the demo will be more similar to a visual novel as you will talk with the characters during the first few days they are stuck in the void. in this portion of the game you can make or break friendships and this will effect how the rest of the game plays; for example if you make everyone hate you, they wont help you in the second half of the game.

I was originally going to make this in keynote but quickly discovered that it would not hold up to what i wanted it to do and would not be as accessible as i would have wanted it to be as a game demo; it would have only worked on apple products and sprites would have had to remain on screen constantly to be animated.
18/4/23- As of now i am making the story board for the main events



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