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Get Unlimited wireless Internet & 5G Internet Service

               Get Unlimited wireless Internet & Wireless Internet Service - Imperial Wireless
Receive Unlimited WiFi Internet & Wireless Internet Service - Imperial Wireless
With the Internet that is wireless provided by Imperial Wireless, you can browse the Internet and stream your favorite shows even if you are in an under-served or remote area.
The 5G Wireless internet technology is a secure fiber-optic connection with wireless technology to offer internet access in areas in areas where cable internet service is not available. The wireless network provides an initial speed of 10Mbps by transmitting radio signals from an adjacent antenna to the receiver installed within your home.
Through a faster flow of information and increasing the capabilities of the software that businesses depend on for their day-to-day operations, 5G Business Internet can aid small-scale businesses in meeting the increasing demands. For example, a business that uses a virtual call center will be able to communicate with its customers faster.

Installing wireless Internet
For a professional installation, one of our certified experts should place a tiny antenna for wireless in your home and then switch off the services.
Step 1
A trained tech of Imperial Wireless will inspect your house to find the most suitable spot to put the antenna wireless to ensure the strongest connection that is possible.
Step 2
The professional will install it on the roof after calibrating the antenna to give you the most efficient performance.
Step 3
The technician will connect a wireless antenna to the home router as the last step of the installation to make WiFi available. The Internet and an array of possibilities will then be yours to enjoy.

Make sure you are connected to WiFi.
Find your router's SSID as well as the Key/Passphrase to begin. The security settings in the online environment of the modem, in the event that you need to.

How to find the key to security and the SSID
Each device has its own configuration procedure, but the majority include a Settings Wireless menu where you can input the security information needed to connect to:
Your device will show its SSID (Network Name) that is printed on the label of your router alongside the list of wireless networks.

Frequently Asked Questions on Imperial Wireless

What makes wireless Internet different from other services provided through Imperial Wireless?
Imperial Wireless' wireless internet service blends our reliable fiber-optic internet network with wireless technology to cover remote areas and areas that other service providers can't. With a minimum speed of 10 Mbps, this wireless connection transmits radio signals from a tower that is wireless to a receiver device that is placed within your home.

What happens to my hardware devices if I move?
If you decide to move, you must not move one of Imperial Wireless's equipment within or outside of your home. Contact Imperial Wireless to arrange a time for the equipment to be removed from the outside of your house. Be sure to follow the policy of returning your modem in the event that you lease the modem. If you do not return the modem in the specified time can cost a maximum of $200.00.

Do the small-scale businesses of my community are able to access this program?
Small business customers are not eligible to avail of Imperial broadband Internet service since it's a residential service. To learn more about the services for business offered in your region, call Imperial Wireless or visit our website.

Who can I talk to regarding assistance?

Imperial Wireless provides customer support to give you the best possible experience. Contact a customer support representative for assistance regarding products and billing. Our contact form is available. Select the chat icon and start a chat with a representative.

Do adverse weather conditions have any effect on my service?

Your service's quality may be affected by many factors, including poor weather conditions and physical obstructions. Before installing an antenna, an Imperial Wireless technician will ensure that the signal is appropriate for the location you are located. Our staff will do their best to reduce the chance of interruptions to service. Contact our support team if you experience the weather being bad and disrupting your service.

Does wireless Internet resemble satellite internet?
Contrast this with satellite internet, which transmits data directly from the air to a satellite inside your home. Imperial Wireless' wireless internet service is able to send data from a tower that is wireless to a receiver at your home. This method usually provides a best internet experience than broadband providers using satellite technology.

Where can I decide to place the antenna outside my home?
An Imperial Wireless expert will decide the location and best way to position the antenna in order to get the strongest signal. The expert will talk about the installation with you before installing if various areas of your home have the same signal strength.

What speeds are available?
Imperial wireless Internet offers speeds for upload and downloads of at least 10 Mbps or 1 Mbps and 1 Mbps, respectively. But, based on several factors, the results could differ:

Utilize WiFi instead of a wired connection.
For the highest performance from wireless connections, it is recommended to place your router or modem in close proximity to those wireless connections. Avoid physical obstacles such as brick walls and big appliances. You can get the most efficient connections, the most reliable ones, by making use of an Ethernet cable that connects directly to your modem.

The speed of the device
Certain gadgets, especially older laptops, and desktop computers, have a maximum speed at which they can function and may not be capable of operating with the speed that your internet provider offers.

Several devices
If you connect more than your recommended amount to purchase, speeds can make each device perform slower.

How long will installation require?
Installation and setup of antennas typically require between two and three hours.

What can I do to restart my devices connected to the Internet?
Rebooting your home's internet device can resolve many internet-related issues. Follow the three easy steps below to restart if your Imperial Wireless internet service arrives with an antenna that is installed in the equipment.

1. Remove the power supply from your modem. Keep it unplugged until you move on to another step. Your modem may appear like one of the models shown below. A black cord that has an oblong connector on the back of your modem acts as the power source.

2. Remove from the PoE (Power over Ethernet) adapter's power supply and then reconnect it after about one minute. The outside antenna will restart due to this. In between the router, the wire for the wall, as well as the power source, is the adapter, a tiny black box.

3. After plugging in the adapter again, allow the antenna to run for about three minutes to restore signal and power. Then you should plug in the power source. Let the modem join for a further two minutes. Make sure you are connected when it is detected that the "INTERNET" status light turns green.
Get Unlimited wireless Internet & 5G Internet Service


Get Unlimited wireless Internet & 5G Internet Service


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