Solace is a website designed to aid those with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.
Solace uses a journal function to track and graph moods so that the user can analyze their progress. The notifications panel would always be on the right side, encouraging users to complete small tasks such as making a journal entry, taking their medication or simply going for a walk.
 Helpful articles and media would be found on the homepage.
A forum could be accessed anonymously, and lessons/workbooks would also be available online. Activity would be tracked on the forums and in the lessons/workbooks to see if there is a correlation between their activity on the site and their progress.
By taking the emotions noted in the journal entries and showing them over time the user will quickly be able to see their emotions as a visual representation using colour (emotion) and size (intensity). 
By checking off common triggers the user will quickly be able to see what is affecting their emotions with overlayed information that can directly relate to mood swings or changes in their mental state.
Solace Website

Solace Website

Solace is a concept website designed to aid those with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Solace uses a journal function to track a Read More
