For Pride month, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) gave new meaning to some of their most iconic subway stations to honour diverse sexual and gender identities.

Queen and King stations' names became terms to celebrate every Queen and King of any identity, and Union Station, the most essential, centric and connected transport station, into a name that celebrates all forms of love. TTC wanted to resignify what the city had in mind when mentioning those famous names to promote self-affirmation, dignity, equality and increased visibility for all identities within the community.

The campaign invited passengers to share their photos and videos with the #LoveMovesUs, #IamKing, #IamQueen and #IamLove with their pride stories about these stations' new meaning.

The names of the stations became symbols of an initiative to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion and diversity. With this action, TTC found a way to move the community and show support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride month.

TTC Proud

TTC Proud
