The Rehashery Story
Repurposing, restyling, and reusing! 
All things up-cycled 🪴
Our neighborhoods, cities, and oceans are being overwhelmed by landfills and garbage patches, posing a significant problem that demands a solution. It's time for each of us to embrace our own Out-of-the-Landfill (OOTL) movement and take action at home as consumers. The rampant consumer culture of constant buying and discarding generates immense waste that often ends up in garbage patches or landfills nearby.

So, what can we do? Should we stop buying altogether, buy less, or rehash things? While thoughtful buying is crucial, resisting the allure of consumer culture is equally important. Repurposing, restyling, and reusing items to extend their usefulness and keep them out of waste streams are the founding principles behind "Rehashery," which aims to inspire sustainable practices.
"Rehashery"​​​​​​​ started out as an attempt at not just upcycling furniture but rehashing just about anything.
It's time for each one of us to take responsibility for our impact on the environment and make conscious choices that help to reduce waste and preserve our planet.
Rehashery was born out of my personal commitment to combat the growing issue of landfills filling up with discarded items. I hope my story inspires you to start your own Out-of-the-Landfill (OOTL) movement. Through rethinking, repurposing, restyling, and reusing, we can keep items alive and prevent them from ending up in garbage patches or landfills near us. It's time to take action and start now! 🪴