7 Creative Strategies
For this school project, we had to choose an everyday object and transform it into 7 different compositions using the following approaches: Combination, Juxtaposition, Isolation, Metaphor or Simile, Change of context/environment, Physical/Shape similarity, and Material change/swap/focus. The purpose was to sparkle creativity as a way to solve design questions.
Combination, two unrelated objects combined
Isolation, the object was placed among many unrelated objects to be highlighted
Change of context, the hair brush was placed in an unnatural environment 
Juxtaposition, the object was placed next to another object in a contrasting way
 Physical or Shape similarity, the object is connected to another object with whom it doesn't share a connection.
Metaphor, as an analogy, the bristles represent the stars in the universe
Change of Material, the hairbrush is now sprinkles ready to top the ice cream cone
As part of the process I made a map, drew some sketches, and some digital sketches as well...
Here are some digital sketches...
7 creative strategies

7 creative strategies
