Soundtrack compositions: Main menu, Stage 1 gameplay, and Victory Fanfare
Redesign of the Gravity Heroes game soundtrack. Work carried out as an exercise in the @gameaudioacademybr course. Music was composed for the Main menu, Stage 1 gameplay, Victory Fanfare and the game's Boss Fight.

The inspiration for this composition was Megaman X, due to the game's theme, with a synthesis to refer to the 80's. An interesting marriage that matches the tone of the gameplay. Each time the player approaches the Boss Fight, the intensity of the music changes to generate an increasingly tense atmosphere due to this battle.


 - Main Menu,  - 00:00
 - Stage 1 gameplay theme - 00:39 - 1nd variation
 - Stage 1 gameplay theme - 02:10 - 2nd variation
 - Stage 1 gameplay theme - 02:37 - 3nd variation
 - Stage 1 gameplay theme - 03:27 - 4th variation
 - Victory Fanfare - 04:46
- The game's Boss Fight - down video
André Godoi - Contact: Instagram
Soundtrack composition: The game's Boss Fight 
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André Godoi - Contact: Instagram
** This is a conceptual exercise to demonstrate my skills This is not the game's original soundtrack.
Soundtrack Redesign

Soundtrack Redesign


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