"Every October, artists from around the world get together and sculpt something new every day of the month. Join the challenge and share your work online with #sculptober"
- Sculptober.com

This was my second year participating in the challenge, so I knew what it was going to be like, what to expect and what the year before meant. I thought that I would not let my mental health suffer by trying to finish an Internet challenge meant for fun, so I quit almost at the middle of it. However, I am super happy with the result of those that I could make. As always, it is crazy the community that builds every year around the hasthag and the amazing and talented artists participating with their own pieces and concepts.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

So, this year, I could not make it to complete the whole challenge, but had lots of fun nevertheless. Here you have the pieces I've managed to complete for the Sculptober challenge of 2022! If you like any of them, please tell me which one is your favourite on the comments! 

Thanks to @follygon for the challenge and to all the people that has either participated or supported me through this month!

See you next year?​​​​​​​




