Project- NEW Avant-Garde, experimental style Magazine

1) Challenge the typography and be experimental [no safe, white, clinical approach)

2) Cover, contents spread + 2 spreads

This concept of Avant-Garde comes from Hassan Hijjaj a well known photographer born in Morocco and creates these visuals for his work mixing camouflage and animal prints with traditional clothing. Rather than launch a polemic against the tourist gaze that fetishizes veiled women on motorbikes, Mr. Hajjaj drowns it out with maximalist compositions that mash up references, disorganize expectations, and seize control. He uses clothes and accessories sourced from the local market, to reclaim control: not just cultural, but also economic, and ultimately, psychological.

Inspired by Hassan Hijjaj's style I incorporated bold designs, patterns, and colours. I used a tile format design for the cover and duplication and overlapping body copy through out the project. The photos are taken from his collection “Untitled” from the series “Handprints” and “Odd 1 Out” from the series “Kesh Angels, in which women in gowns and face veils pose on motorbikes. They are glammed up, yet authentic. 


