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Should I join or not?

What is careers fair?
Career fairs are a great way for applicants to explore about suitable companies. Careers fairs are typically held within universities for their students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. During the careers fair, employers will put up booths with members of their human resources staff and newcomers to introduce about their firm and application process.

Why should I attend a careers fair?
There are several reasons why you should attend a career fair at least once.
And one of the most important reasons is for research. If you are undecided about where you want to work or what you want to do later in life, firms at jobs fairs give a wealth of knowledge and experience about various industries. You may gain a more comprehensive understanding of what it's like to work in a certain field or for a particular employer by simply asking individuals about their experiences there. This can help you make an educated decision about your career path.
Secondly, a career fair is the perfect place to network with people in your desired industry. Career fairs give you a chance to speak one-on-one with multiple company representatives all in the same place. Even if you don't get an interview with a certain employer, you still have a chance to create a good impression, which is a precious opportunity. If you impressed them, you could have a better chance of being included to a list of potential future employment.

Last but not least, you can access to free workshops and seminars. The majority of job fairs provide free workshops and seminars to student registrants. Students can use the sessions to improve their resumes or practise their interview skills. A wealth of information is available during career fair workshops.

Tips for attending a careers fair
Don't stay silent. Make sure to ask plenty of questions to potential employers as well as general requests to connect on LinkedIn.
Act professionally. Formal attire demonstrates that you are a competent and motivated individual with a passion to get ahead in your career with their help.
Follow up after. Those who have set up booths at a careers fair will have met a lot of people that day, so they will forget you instantly if you don't follow up afterwards.
Bring a CV if you can. It's usually useful to bring some CVs to our events, but it's not required. It's a terrific way to end a pleasant talk with an employer, so don't worry if you don't bring one! Most exhibitors will provide application forms and/or alternate means for you to apply for their employment.

Careers fair in HBS

Beside meeting many potential employers, at Herts, we’ll work with you to truly understand your recruitment needs and connect you with our talented and diverse pool of students through careers events, targeted advertising of job roles and recruitment activities that are tailored to your business. You can see more details via the link: https://www.herts.ac.uk/enterprise-zone/talent/recruit-our-students. In addition, if you are far away from campus, we also have an online workshop. Join us today and start reaping the advantages!



