Project 03: PSA

PSA Poster assignment: For this project we were given the task to create a public service announcement for a non-profit organization of our choice or making. I went with a topic that is near and dear to my heart. The rising costs of insulin. As a parent of a Type 1 Diabetic bringing awareness to the rising cost of insulin is so important. #insulin4all is a social movement working its way through the world of social media bringing awareness of the life of Type 1
Insulin is sometimes referred to in the world of diabetes as liquid gold. Wasted insulin is like money going down the drain. It's expensive and there are so many that can't afford the hefty price tag. This forces them to ration, or simply go without, which can have life altering effects, and sometimes death. #insulin4all is a social movement bring awareness to the outrages price gouging from big pharmaceutical companies. There are so many different issues within the world of Type 1 diabetes, but this is the cause I wanted to bring attention to. There are numerous costs on top of insulin that is required to have consistent and good care. The medicine that keeps them alive shouldn't be something they have to worry about affording every month. 

This is a prefilled syringe that you put a cap needle onto, then dial about the amount of units, and then inject the insulin. It is something that makes dosing a little easier, but comes at a large price. It is more expensive then just your standard vial of insulin. This poster is a juxtaposition showing the liquid turning into literal gold, showing the high cost and precious nature of the medicine. 
This is a standard vial of insulin. (the actual type we carry in our house) The tagline "every diabetic deserves to be able to afford to live" really to me, is the basic right that should be given to everyone. The patten for insulin was sold for $1 CAD, the inventor Frederick G Banting, wanted people to be able to survive and thrive with this medication. Before, most diabetics life span was roughly 3 years after diagnosis.  
This is another juxtaposition or metaphor to show the money falling out of the vial. It seems a lot of pharmaceutical companies only care about making a lot of money of those with a disease they cannot control, and did nothing to get it.  
Then, finally, this poster tying in the lines "6th most expensive liquid in the world". Everyone knows or has an idea of home much liquid is contained in a gallon. So using a milk jug, most people would be able to understand the amount of liquid present for each of these liquids. These are some of the top of the list, liquids that people could go without, but choose to pay top dollar for. Then you see insulin, a medication that keeps them alive, and it cost roughly $9,400. Swapping materials in the jugs gives great imagery for people everywhere to understand the idea in terms that they know. The vial of insulin is familiar in the medical world, but not everyone gets the idea of how much liquid it really is. 
Project 03: PSA

Project 03: PSA
