The use of technology to find inspiration for my vector landscape was a huge help. I was not only able to see other examples of vector landscapes but I was able to save and compile a collection to use as guides references and inspirations for my own piece of art. Most importantly, for me at least, was that I was able to see a variety of styles at work. There are so many ways to make the same landscape look completely different just by changing the style that you work with. Using Pinterest I was able to compile a big collection of amazing art that was able to inspire me and show me different techniques and styles that I could use to create the piece of art that I wanted to make.
Without the technology that I used to create my artwork I would have had a harder time creating my landscape. I based the style of my design off of a painting that mimicked a stain glass type of look. So in order for me to create this art without the technology I would probably have had to paint the landscape. The only problem would be I have no idea how to use the techniques and skill required to create this landscape using paint and a brush. Thankfully illustrator exists so I don’t have to worry about that, I can use the technology to create the look I wanted.
Technology most importantly gets artwork out where people can see it. Without things like Pinterest, Behance, and DeviantArt I would have no way to see the countless works of art from artists all around the world. The ability to see all of this art with the click of a button or the touch of a screen allows me to learn and see what kind of art speaks to me and what type of designs and techniques I find successful, Using the knowledge I gather from all the artwork I am able to see and collect is the first step to becoming a better artist myself and coming up with my own ideas for pieces of art.


Vector Landscape Project for DIDII Class
