Enjoy coffee
Drinking coffee seems to have become a habit of many people, those who love the taste of coffee will always want to be able to sip delicious cups of coffee in the right way. This is not too difficult at all and we can all fully enjoy the great taste of coffee if we know how to prepare and enjoy.

Coffee always leaves an impression on those who have used it because of its distinctive flavors: bold, bitter, sweet, slightly sour and special aroma. To get a full cup of coffee like that will be very easy if you know the small tips below.

Quality coffee selection

The first thing to enjoy good coffee in the right way is to carefully choose coffee of clear, safe and clean origin. In a situation where the market is flooded with floating, poor quality products, this becomes important and extremely necessary.

Currently, people often have two trends in enjoying coffee: mixed coffee (coffee is mixed with other ingredients such as butter, fish sauce, wine, etc. to enhance the taste) and pure coffee. 

Prepare the right materials

The special thing in the way of making coffee in Vietnam is the use of "phin". The image of filter coffee has been formed for a long time in the subconscious of Vietnamese coffee lovers and "filter" seems to have become an indispensable symbol and always goes hand in hand with enjoying coffee. A good cup of coffee, keeping the original taste, must be brewed under metal filters.

In addition, many people also believe that if you store coffee in a white porcelain cup, it will make the coffee more delicious.

Meticulous preparation

Fully following these steps will help you create quality delicious coffee:

Put the right amount of coffee into the filter, so that the coffee is compacted under the filter

Incubate with about 1 tablespoon of hot water to help the coffee powder expand and brew for 2 minutes

Use water that is not too hot from 70 to 80 degrees for making coffee so that the coffee is ripe and fresh, and the filter should not be filled with water. Wait until the water in the filter goes all the way down to the bottom of the glass before adding more water.

Enjoy good coffee
After finishing, you can enjoy the rustic coffee without adding anything else to fully feel the unique flavor, the right tone of the coffee through the bitter, slightly sour flavors and faintly hear the smell of coffee at the tip of the nose. fragrant. Or you can also add a few grains of fine salt or a little condensed milk to make the coffee smell better, not sour after drinking. Add in sugar and ice if you like but avoid too much as they will make the coffee lose its fullness.

Enjoy Coffee

Enjoy Coffee
