01. Garden of Magick

I used the promp as an excuse because i wanted drawing autumnal botanicals (and witches!) mostly

Being this drawing the first of them all, I wanted to set a theme for all of them: lineart (I wanted to practice it as I always struggle with it), no background or simple background for not struggling a lot with time (I was doing this on my free‑time), lots of color (and playing with them), a more concrete style to what I would like as a personal style. And having lots of fun!

Limited myself with my fav palette ever and experimented with shadows, using colorful and saturated purple‑ish tint for that. Tried to obtain different textures and volume by coloring with lines following that volume with the pencil‑like brush. Also loved making autumn botanics.

02. Midnight Delivery

Just a stamp of a little witch handing out love letters in the middle of the night. Also lots of lavender.

I really liked the stamp‑like idea, that came by chance trying to separate the different sketches in the sketchbook. Also wanted to give it dynamism curving the broomstick a lot and playing with shapes, and the overall goals was to give cutsy love vives with the colour and the heart shapes everywhere (even on the lantern and the broomstick's end!).

03. Spellbook Apprentice

When first reading the promp, and though the controls magic like a pro, Shirley Poppy from Fairy Oak series learning how to read and write came to my mind and jusT KNEW i had to drew that. Since she knows how to use magic, I thought what if she tried to teach Barolo and Mr Berry magic? or what if the found Mentaflorida's old chanted notebook where she wrote all her spells?

I really wanted to make the book magic and the characters fascinated by it, so for that, i wanted to make a lot of magic glowing (i am a sucker for glowing and shinny things). The main problem I face with this was the light‑shadows value and the overall tint of the piece wasn't matching and harmonizing. I wanted to have similar colors to the first drawing, or at least a autumnal palette. So to gain this, first I set a pain color base, and once i have that, make a general light‑shadow balance that works in black and white. Once you have that, you can vary the tints to have a cohesive palette.

04. Fiendish Familiar

Just some witchy girl and her friend, the old ancient ghost‑god‑ish spirit of the woods. The though while drawing it were "HOW DOES GOATS/COWs/REINDEERS WORK!!!!" So I did various anatomy studies on a notebook, always try to comprehend anatomy of the things you draw.

05. Bewitched Bog

"Over The Garden Wall" scene redraw. I really really really enjoyed playing with colors in this piece, same technique as the first promp, just switching shadow's tint to a blue/green‑ish colour. Also tried to differentiate myself from the original scene by taking the whole to my style (though I had never draw a kid's face like that, but I think it came out cute!).
Also played with composition and framing elements for this one, wanting always to put the main focus on Jason Funderberker.

06. Candlelit Coven

I just found a photo i wanted to make a anatomy study from, and used that as reference and change everyone's costumes to and old‑fashion‑halloweenie‑costumes and given it and ancient vibe.

This one came out different because i left it in a more sketchier outcome (it was the idea). I really like more sketchier and loose things, I feel more comfortable and fave more fun by using them. And though the coloring process sticks to all drawtober, there are final touches in the drawing, such as the fire's saturated colors on top of the sketchier lines and vibes, that adds magic to the piece.
Drawtober 2022

Drawtober 2022


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