Richard Brown's profile

Beads & Banter - Website & Brand Identity
This is the website that I have designed for my wife’s Jewellerymaking business. The site was originally going to be a forum to showcase herbeautiful handcrafted costume jewellery. She then asked if I could includesections for the parties that she was starting to organise for both kids andadults. I wanted it to be tastefully colourful with out detracting from thejewellery itself.
The plan is to include an ecommerce function in the form ofa simple Paypal “buy now” button and a Wordpress blog. This has been put onhold until she decides what she wants to do with the business.
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Beads & Banter - Website & Brand Identity

Beads & Banter - Website & Brand Identity

Beads & Banter Website and brand identity.
