Photography Art Direction: Painting with Light
(University, Photography Assignment: 3)
Painting with Light

Long Exposure
The aim for this brief was to capture interesting long exposure shots of light through the movement of a vehicle, with me taking the shots inside it, rather than the obvious 'outside at a still with the camera and tripod'. I wanted and planned to create something slightly different and so I set up the camera itself at a still (almost) on a tripod within the vehicle.

In doing this, it meant that I had full control of the camera without a jolt in the road knocking me off of the shutter button, or creating a not so appealing set of images, of course the vehicle I was in had full control of the way in which the light was to be captured by the camera, I was just there to press the shutter button. This in tern allowed some interesting flourishes of light through and created long exposure in a different way to the norm.
Using the A500 and the M6 allowed me plenty of time to test the camera and to also get those shots that I needed in order to complete this brief. 
Within some of the photographs I held the shutter for lengthier amounts of time to determine longer lines, lines that appear slightly "shaken". I captured many light sources from traffic lights, lorries, small cars, or big cars, tunnel lights and even street lamps, this allowed for a mixture of light to come through and created interesting images before me. Not only did all of this come into practice but with a flurry of rain it enabled me to capture alterations within the light too, with the use of windscreen wipers. This allowed the light to look slightly different due to the smear of water across the screen. 

Obviously this is no job for myself alone so I got the help of my partner to drive as I took the photos, this was an easy task once the camera was set up in the perfect position within the tight space of the car.
On the journey I took 200+ photographs over a 40-50 minute stretch of road. This gave me plenty of variation when it came to choosing my final photographs.
I used a Nikon D90 camera set in manual mode giving me complete control in all aspects of getting the shots I needed, ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and Focus. 
Down the A500


Down the A500

Photography Art Direction: (University, Photography, Assignment 3) Painting with Light
