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How do charity organizations help orphan hafiz?

How do charity organizations help orphan hafiz?

Every child deserves a fair share regarding basic human rights. But the irony here is that a billion kids between the ages of 2 to 17 years suffer from some or the other problem, be it health, residential, or food. When you go through the stats, the numbers are heartbreaking. However, different kids have different needs. You may see their requirements as completely unique when it comes to orphan hafiz.

Learning Quran is a vital concept of the Islamic faith. But, regardless of this, thousands of kids and orphans from underprivileged countries are deprived of this mandatory level of Islamic earning. In addition, they have to start earning a living for themselves and their families from a very young age. Being a Muslim, you know the significance of the Quran in your life. And, if you sponsor orphan hafiz, you’re preparing for your akhirah. Yes, even if you cannot learn the Quran, you can always support someone who wants to learn it, and you will get the Sadaqah Jariya for it.

Every time the student reads and learns the Quran, you will get its benefits here and hereafter. The best NGOs and charity organizations support orphans to get Quranic education through Hifz sponsorship programs, giving these precious kids a chance to read and learn the Holy Quran while being given food, lodging, and healthcare.

Several programs are designed to help you sponsor orphan hafiz from different Islamic institutions throughout their study. You can sponsor one or as many students as you want and change their life with your small initiative. Remember supporting someone’s Islamic study is helping them learn about Islam and their culture. It is about preparing them for this life and hereafter. You help them with their personal development.

It is a unique and special opportunity for you. It not only helps you tackle poverty but also offers access to essential Islamic education to impoverished kids who otherwise may not have this opportunity.

How can your sponsorship help?
Sponsorship across the globe plays a vital role in ensuring that they contribute to the kid’s betterment and meet their Islamic study requirements. With this sponsorship program, you can offer the following:

   - A safe shelter for kids who don’t have a proper place to sleep.
   - Eliminate their hunger and ensure they don’t go to bed with an empty belly.
   - Ensure they are provided with clean water, as contaminated water can lead to lethal diseases.
   - Gain Islamic education and have a good future. They will become capable enough to support themselves in the future.
   - Prevent kids from having a bad childhood.
   - Allow the kids to get proper healthcare facilities anytime they need them.
Zakat, sadqa, or sponsorship like these help you provide kids with the basic amenities of life without struggling. The donation helps improve the underprivileged kids who cannot afford anything and offers them Islamic knowledge. This is your chance to come and play your part—volunteer with us by donating money so that more needy kids can learn the Quran.
How do charity organizations help orphan hafiz?


How do charity organizations help orphan hafiz?


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