This project was an assignment for a Visual presentation class at University North, Croatia. 
The brief: It is necessary to design book covers of assigned literary works using an adequate typographic font. When choosing a typeface and designing it, you should take into account the historical and artistic context, the year of the first edition, the type and content of the literary work.

The books in question

Patnje mladoga Werthera / Johann Wolfgang Goethe prvo izdanje: 1774. žanr: epistolarni roman
Izmišljaji / Jorge Luis Borges prvo izdanje: 1944. žanr: zbirka kratkih priča
Vrli novi svijet / Aldous Huxley prvo izdanje: 1932. žanr: distopijski roman
Book cover redesign


Book cover redesign

Book cover redesign assignment at University North, Croatia. The book cover design in question are: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - The Sorrows of Read More
