#zero waste
Photgraph and art director: Miriam Quílez  
Model: Seonyoung Lee 
Designer, costume made and stylist: Laia Matas Largo
The final piece of this project was created through to the re-design and re-made of the author’s mother's old wedding dress. This started with the idea of giving an old piece a new life and experience with it new things. Lots of people keep their wedding dress for life and they only use them once in a lifetime, and this is a wasted of good material.

Society has created a pretext, saying that it has to be kept forever because it holds the memory of one of the most beautiful and important days in the life of a woman. But what about all that women that they don’t have a good memory from their wedding or life as a married, why can't we create new memories or experiences for them to live?

So that's the principal idea of this project: to give a second life to an old garment, to break a bit with the barriers of "tradition" and to release in any possible way some women of an ungrateful memory.

Zero waste

Zero waste


Creative Fields