Ann Chou's profile

Memory| Movie Column Art

It does not matter whether the past is good or not, because human memory is not reliable. But the memories that make us who we are now are the most real.

* Inspiration: The Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014
* 1080x1080 px, 10 secs
Movie Painting / People series
A story that belongs to you, me, and all living beings.
前陣子在網路上看到有人提到過去的日子一切光明美好,現在似乎已不復在,這讓我想起了《布達佩斯大飯店》The Grand Budapest Hotel。或許我們都會懷年起兒時的世界有多麼單純,可以平靜生活,孩子期待長大迎接光明未來。布達佩斯大飯店在沒落前,被包裹於粉紅色的夢幻泡泡中。但仔細想想,昨日世界看似人與人情感連結深厚,其實充滿人治以及不確定感,飯店營運依靠禮賓主管與貴賓們的交情,守衛可以靠金錢賄賂,這聽起來很令人不安吧。過去真的一切美好,還是只是我們沒發現現實?或許真相也不重要,畢竟人的記憶始終不可靠,但諸多回憶構築成現在的我們是真實的,所以就讓它停留在回憶裡吧。
What does this fruit remind you of? Is it an apple,or the fruit of wisdom? Or maybe it's a symbol of not being able to go back in time.

畫中的水果對你而言是什麼呢?在電影中是他們所爭奪畫像中蘋果,在 "Memory" 這件作品中,我想表達一個轉捩點,回不去過去美好的概念。正如聖經伊甸園裡的禁果,當人類吃了禁果後能知善惡,但同時也無法再回去伊甸園。當我們說出「以前的日子真美好啊」的時候,正代表我們人生經過了某些轉換,再也無法用過去的視角生活了。
I use water and light to express the ambiguous look of memory. A friend asked me what the water tasted like. That's an interesting question, I guess it could be tears and sweat? Memories that can be remembered are always full of emotional turmoil.

work in progress
(Left) A graphic drawing that has not yet been animated.
(Right) After making the animation, add light and shadow changes and dust.

(左) 還沒製作成動畫前的平面作品
(右) 動畫後加入光影與灰塵
My work is being exhibited in Milwaukee, and what's even better is that other talented artists from Taiwan have also been selected for the show. Thank you imnotArt  for the wonderful opportunity.
CG20 will be displayed in the Metaverse and at i.c.stars_milwaukee StarBash, Milwaukee's premier tech networking event!

作品入選 Community Gallery#20
在美國 i.c.stars |* milwaukee 參展,線上與實體展同時展出
2022 NFT ART CON,Mandana Warehouse,Chiang Mai,Tailand

2022 NFT ART CON 泰國清邁展出
NFT Collect on Tezos
The NFT animation has been listed on objkt & akaSwap.
動畫作品於 Objkt、akaSwap 以 NFT 形式發售。
Memory| Movie Column Art


Memory| Movie Column Art
