Take 3 for the Sea

'Take 3 for the sea' is a global movement that aims to educate all of us about reducing plastic pollution in our oceans. It’s simple whenever you leave the beach, or anywhere outdoors, take 3 items of rubbish and dispose of them properly. 

To help to raise awareness about this issue, I designed the following postcard.
I currently selling a 'Take 3 for the sea' tote bag on the platform 'Print Social'

10% of the profit will go to 'Sea Shepherd UK'

All my benefits will go towards printing the postcard above, so I can give it out for free
and spread the word!

You can also use this bag for a quick clean on the go and spark conversations!
'Take 3 for the sea' bags available 
to purchase here

Thanks for reading!
Take 3 for the sea