36 Days of Type 2022

We always need a brief.

Even if that brief is as simple as ‘create this letter today'.

36 days of Type is an annual prompt to create a letter of the alphabet then each number from 0-9. This year's prompts began on 7th March with ‘A’ and ran all the way to April 11th with ‘9’. Unfortunately, Covid struck the studio when we hit the letter ‘T’ but we had a good run of it.

Our approach was to use software, art media or new skills we were not comfortable with to create each letter in simple black and white. We also gave ourselves a time limit of an hour to force us not to be precious and go with first instincts.

It was so healthy to step back from daily design work and reconnect with the joy of creativity.

You can read the full breakdown of the process of each letter on our blog

Thanks for stopping by. 

36 Days of Type 2022