Peer critique
For our lessons we were asked to create PowerPoints to present our projects so far and as we presented our classmates filled out questionnaires that we could use to improve our work. 
This was my presentation PowerPoint. Starting with the title of my work which is a work in progress title. This covers the initial ideas of my project and is a brief introduction to this project.​​​​​​​
Response 1​​​​​​​
'What do you think the work is about?' - How music makes people feel
'What do you like about the work?' - angles used
'A question you would like ask' - N/A
'What should they improve technically?' - black and white portraits
'What should they improve conceptually?' - use objects in portraits
'overall comment' - nice

My response:
'What do you think the work is about?'- This was my initial idea at the time i made this presentation
'What do you like about the work?'- angles is a big part of some of the image i create, i use angles to create a further meaning such as a dutch angle to create confusion or unsettlement.
'a question you would like to ask'- N/A
'What should they improve technically?'- This something i will experiment with in my stage of editing my images
'What should they improve conceptually?'- I have since experimented with objects in images and this is something i may use again but i'm not sure if it fits with the growing concept of my work.
'Overall comment'- thank you!
Response 2
''What do you think the work is about' - How music affects people
'What do you like about the work?' - I like the style of photos and the concept
'A question you would like to ask' - N/A
'What should they improve technically?' - try different styles of photography
'What should they improve conceptually?' - Maybe list songs under the photos
'Overall comment' - Really good!! I like the concept :)

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?'- Yes this alligned with my initial ideas
'What do you like about the work?'- The concept is one that is personal to me which i feel is effecting this work positivley as i can truly capture what i feel.
'A question you would like to ask'- N/A
'What should they improve technically?'- Different genres of photography such as documentary and street are ones that i do want to experiment with in this peoject.
'What should they improve conceptually?'- This response was why i created the google survery for people to create written comments for me to incorporate in my final production.
'Overall comment'- Thank you!
Response 3
'What do you think the work is about?' - portraiture, showing different emotions within the same environment.
'What do you like about the work?' - I like the style of photography, and the work produced in the studio on the first shoot.
'A question you would like to ask' - N/A
'What should they improve technically?' - try exploring multiple styles of photography
'What should they improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - Very well put together :)

My response:
'What do you think the work is about?'- This was not my specific initial idea however through experimenting more with this work i have grown closer to this concept.
'What do you like about the work?'- The studio is somewhere i feel i do my best work and i feel the studio may be a small space with limited options but you can really create and display anything you want to in the studio in my opinion.
'A question you would like to ask'- N/A
What do you think they could improve technically?'- Again this is something i am exploring with and hope to continue to do
What do you think they could improve conceptually?'- N/A
'Overall comment'- Thank you!
Response 4
'What do you think the work is about?' - music with self identity, how much makes people feel
'What do you like about the work?' - planned very well through, experimented with effects and elements, low key lighting.
'A question you would like to ask' - Is the studio the only type of photography you will use or do you want to incorporate other styles?
'What should they improve technically?' - experiment with different styles of photography like portraiture, documentary etc
'What should they improve conceptually?' - more photos of different themes relating to the concept of music/widening the concept.
'Overall comment' - gorgeous photographs

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?'- Music was my initial idea however i have started to draw closer to the concept of identity through reflection of my working images.
'What do you like about the work?'- I have tried to experiment as much as possible with early shoots to see the genre i want to work in
'A question you would like to ask'- I have worked in the studio a few times and i may continue to do this in terms of identity however like said i will be experimenting with other genres.
'What do you think they could improve technically?'- This will be something i will be doing and have done
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?'- In reflection of my work i have began to widen my concept into one linking identity and music and i am attempting to find ways this could be reflected in my work. 
'Overall comment'- Thank you!
Response 5
'What do you think the work is about?' - identity, feelings, music, isolation
'What do you like about the work?' - the concept
'A question you would like to ask' - Second shoot?
'What should they improve technically?' - N/A
'What should they improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - N/A

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?' - The main theme of this work started off being music, i have began to broaden this to looking at the concept of identity too. Feelings and isolation is something i would say is a kind of sub theme in this work especially with my initial shoot.
'What do you like about the work?' - This is a concept personal to me so i feel as though i will be able to create and portray this better than i would anything else.
'A question you would like to ask' - At the time of this presentation my second shoot was still in the editing process so i decided to just present my first shoot as i was aware of what images i wanted to choose as working images and images were already edited. 
'What do you think they could improve technically?' - N/A
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - N/A
Response 6
'What do you think the work is about?' - music and how it makes people feel
'What do you like about the work?' - a relatable subject, double exposure (multiple emotions in one frame)
'A question you would like to ask' - N/A
'What should they improve technically?' - N/A 
'What should they improve conceptually?' - real life situations
'Overall comment' - SLAY

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?' - This was the initial idea of the work yes
'What do you like about the work?' - That was the reason i decided to create double exposure images as i am intrigued by how so may emotions can be captured in one shot. 
'A question you would like to ask' - N/A
'What do you think they could improve technically?' - N/A
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?' - this is something i will be experimenting with in my shoots such as my fifth shoot which will be at a concert and real life interactions with band members, audience members and both.
'Overall comment' - YES
Repspone 7
'What do you think the work is about?' - how music makes someone feel
'What do you like about the work?' - i liked how experimental the project will be
'A question you would like to ask' - What other ideas for shoots do you have?
'What should they improve technically?' - Experiment more with later shoots.
'What should they improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - N/A

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?' - This was the initial idea of this project.
'What do you like about the work?' - I decided on making this project experimental so i wouldn't have to trap myself in one box from the beginning and i could just allow my photos to speak for themselves no matter what genre they are, the meaning behind the images and the way they link will be more important than the genre.
'A question you would like to ask' - I have created many more shoots since this presentation, real-life situations, self portraits, i want to experiment with more portraits of other subjects except instead of the studio maybe outside. I am also planning on creating another shoot in the studio except maybe with objects instead of models.
'What do you think they could improve technically?' - This is something i will be applying to my future work, thank you.
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - N/A
Response 8
'What do you think the work is about?' - identity (how music makes people feel)
'What do you like about the work?' - double exposure (i like the meaning behind why it is used)
'A question you would like to ask' - is all the work going to be set in the studio?
'What should they improve technically?' - more shoots, expand on double exposure 
'What should they improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - well done, fab progress so far

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?' - The bracketed phrase were my initial intentions however identity is something i am experimenting with in my current shoots.
'What do you like about the work?' - This is something i am experimenting with in as many shoots as i possibly can.
'A question you would like to ask' - No, not all shoots will be in the studio i just decided to create my first photoshoot in the studio as it was somewhere i knew i felt most comfortable creating images in a studio environment.
'What do you think they could improve technically?' - i will take this into consideration
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?' - N/A
'Overall comment' - thank you!
Response 9
'What do you think the work is about?' - identity through music / how music makes you feel
'What do you like about the work?' - the expanse of experimentation, editing and double exposure
'A question you would like to ask' - How else are you going to take your photos? or will it just be the studio?
'What should they improve technically?' - experiment with different medium eg collage, prints
'What should they improve conceptually?' - more emphasis on why you have chosen this
'Overall comment' - absolutely fabulous

My Response:
'What do you think the work is about?' - Identity through music is a concept i have been experimenting with more in later shoots
'What do you like about the work?' - this is something i want to be focussing on to make my investigation the best it can be.
'A question you would like to ask' - I will be experimenting with many different genres. I will be shooting real life situations too to further exemplify my intention with this shoot, and create the sense of realism.
'What do you think they could improve technically?' - This is something i will be experimenting with soon on my behance as part of my work analysis.
'What do you think they could improve conceptually?' - I took this into consideration and i create a whole behance project on it, i will be reflecting his in however i decide to present my final work.
'Overall comment' - Thank you!
peer critique

peer critique


Creative Fields