​​​​​​​"MAP is an international and interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to students and young practitioners engaged in visual arts, photography, design, architecture, interior design and other fields of art was established with the intention to promote the professional interoperability between the different areas by creating an intense thematic co-operation."

MAP (Miszla Art Productions) Workshop 2016 - Project "Silence" 
I don’t live here
I don’t belong here
I was here

Our first impression of Miszla was marked by the constant image of ‘abandoned’ houses. We decided this should be theme of our collective project. We wanted to experience the lonely life of the village. During our interaction with the locals and the houses we expanded our insight on this idea and found that these places are not abandoned, they are just silent and waiting for something to happen. Each of us spent time alone in one of Miszla’s lonely houses.
These artworks reflect our thoughts and emotions while being there.
We would like to thank Ernő Gudman for letting us into these places.
project made by
Fanny Chelia Khirani (HU)
Flori Gál (HU)
Rebekka Ivácson (RO)
Salomé García Bacallao (CU)

The project Silence was made by four young artists - gathering from different fields of art, for the calling word "Transposition". 
Each members of our group created an essential imprint of an experience based on spending undefined time at a chosen abandoned house in Miszla (Tolna County, Hungary) - having only a camera, pen and paper with us.
 The village was once a larger city - several decades before. Nowadays its population remained 332 inhabitant (data from 2004.) - almost only elders. The younger generation is leaving the region in order to open new doors to new possibilities. 
My approach was to paint Tarot card pieces following the most significant moments of my stay in and around the building. As i have arrived to the house, i followed cards left on the ground to explore the place. The idea was to create a more playful but still mystical interpretation for finding meanings how i percieved the reality of loneliness and silencium, through the very intense occasion.
spent time alone at the a bandoned house: 5 hours, 38 minute

take a seat
turn the back
calm down
let go

Miszla, Hungary
Khirani Fanny Chelia
Press photo made by Csongor Szigeti


