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Wes Anderson Posters

- Bottle Rocket 
- Rushmore 
- The Royal Tenenbaums
- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou
- The Darjeeling Limited
- Fantastic Mr. Fox 
- Moonrise Kingdom
Wes Anderson's filomgraphy illustrated as simple poster designs, using a mix of watercolour, pen, photoshop, 3D models and photography. 
Each poster is a double page spread in my Illustrated guide to Wes Anderson. I wanted to capture the films without using all the characters, the colours, particular parts that caught my attention. In a way to celebrate the fantastic detail Anderson has in every single one of his movies. Bottle rocket, Life Aquatic and Moonrise Kingdom are all 3d models, contructed with cardboard, tape and glue and photographed.
Wes Anderson Posters

Wes Anderson Posters

Wes Anderson's Filmography (1996-2012) as Illustrated Posters.
