#talk_to_me (QUT social impact project)

Queensland University of Technology,
Impact Lab 2 (DYB102) Project,
partnered with 123+
Team 10: 
Gary Nguyen, Kota Arichi, 
Nam Hee Hyun, Brigitte Brottier, 
and Jordan Stenhouse.
a safe ground where individuals of any gender identity can talk about peer pressures and gender conformity
*** This is a group design project done by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) students dedicated to the unit Impact Lab 2 (DYB102) and our partnered organisation, 123+, "a network dedicated to building the capacity of LGBTQI+ initiatives."


Problem Statement:

While discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community held by the general public is widely known, it is little known that marginalisation exists within the LGBTQI+ community. Many individuals of the LGBTIQ+ community feel misrepresented by the oversaturated stereotypical portrayal of queer characters in media and by more dominant LGBTIQ+ groups, resulting in peer pressure to dress up or behave in a specific manner to fit within the community. We aim to raise awareness of peer pressure within the community and ultimately fight the stereotypes held by the general public by providing a platform where the general public and LGBTQI+ individuals can connect and share their experiences of peer pressure and gender conformity. 


Our Concept/Design:





How the design works:


Impact of the Design:


Our partner, 123+, is relaunching as, Pride By Side
Please check out their website: https://www.pridebyside.com

Pride By Side (former 123+) is a business consulting organisation that works with LGBTQI+ initiatives. They support LGBTQI+ initiatives by providing one-on-one support and curating free capacity-building tools. 
Often these initiatives promoting LGBTQI+ rights, safety, and well-being lack adequate resources, skills, and knowledge to achieve their objectives. Pride By Side is here to change that, whether it's a grass-roots organisation advocating for equality or a corporate organisation looking to support their LGBTQI+ employees better.


#talk_to_me (QUT social impact project)

#talk_to_me (QUT social impact project)

QUT Social impact design project. Impact Lab 2. 2022. Our honourable partner, 123+. Team 10 with Nam Hee Hyun, Gary Nguyen, Kota Arichi, Brigitt Read More


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