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Nancy Mitford Nonfiction Series

Nancy Mitford Nonfiction Series
This series contains four books focusing on the four (or five) famous figures.
Diamond shape is used as the key pattern. On the jacket cover, diamonds forms the letter M, which is the key visual of the series and stands for the author Mitford, and four engravings is put inside. On the inner cover, patterns and letters are gilt in different colours to match the jacket cover.

太阳王:凡尔赛宫的路易十四 / The Sun King: Louis XIV at Versailles
蓬帕杜夫人 / Madame de Pompadour
恋爱中的伏尔泰 / Voltaire in Love
腓特烈大帝 / Frederick the Great

上海人民出版社 2021—2022 年出版

Nancy Mitford Nonfiction Series

Nancy Mitford Nonfiction Series

