The Fallen (Dark Fantasy)

THE Fallen 

Project Scope: Create a monster design, based on the words: Demon, Mask, Jumper, and armored. The concept has to take into consideration that the character has to jump and smash the ground as a heavy attack + preform fist attack in a rush charge. 

The initial sketch for what the character would look like. I began with sketching the ideas out on paper, taking notes on what worked and what didn't. Then I would bring all of the ideas that worked well with my vision to clip studio paint. Refining the pencil sketches and carving out the overall shape of the character with minor details.

Below you can see a more flushed out character, with base (flat) colors added, and tight details to make 3D models. The idea of the Fallen came to me as I was pondering on the idea of Angles and how when cast from heaven, they become the Demons of hell. What would these look like with the 4 key words added to them.
The Fallen (Dark Fantasy)


The Fallen (Dark Fantasy)
