April Shao's profile

Data Visualisation Interactive Dashboard

View the interactive dashboard on Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/april.shao/viz/Letsgotothemoviesshallwe-Australia/Dashboard
To effectively inform, educate and communicate cinema attendance patterns across Australia throughout the years by different population groups, as well as providing a snapshot of the most popular films in Australia.
Target Audience
People residing in Australia who work in or are interested in the screen industry, as well as
people who have a general interest in going to the cinemas – cinema-goers.

Intended Context of Use
This interactive dashboard could potentially be used as a tool for screen industry workers
to identify and analyse attendance patterns and insights. It could also potentially be
incorporated into an interactive exhibition at museums, for example ACMI, to educate and
inform movie enthusiasts and cinema-goers.

This dashboard allows effective comparison between variables interactively. In the map
design, the user is able to hover over the coloured circles and compare the attendance
frequency between cities. They can also select different years using the slider, comparing
the overall frequency change throughout the years. In the stacked area graph, the user can
compare between the attendance frequency by different age groups in different years by
hovering and clicking. They can also use the filter to only show one or more particular age
group. The column chart design allows users to compare between two frequency types across different population segments and also filter by year. Finally, the tree map allows users to see the top 50 films in the last five years as well as all time by using a time period filter.

Data Visualisation Interactive Dashboard


Data Visualisation Interactive Dashboard



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